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  • Writer's pictureRyan

Trying Something New

What happened? The year started off so well. But after talking to friends and family i decided to start a blog. For years i have been talking friends in to trying new things with me , now i am going to share it with the world.

I have always been adventurous. I have always been one to try to do new things, or eat new things. I have always been quick to get my friends to do it with me

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Great Idea! But where do you start? What to do? I have watched my cousin post all these self help links, How to start your own business, What do to in your spare time and the classic make money fast. I don't know if they have worked.... but i think i'm going to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. I am going to try new foods and receipts. Try new workouts, maybe even get tech on here. I do wonder where I will be in a year from here.


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