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Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce

Updated: May 15, 2020

I started this new little venture. I love hot sauce. Like Franks Hot Sauce's slogan says, I put that Shit on everything. Opening my cabinet in my kitchen that is full of nothing but hot sauces, I thought how hard can it be to make my own. So truly, I looked up a baseline recipe. It came down to you need peppers, vinegar and whatever your heart desires. I wanted to start with just making some that had some heat but also tasted good. There is nothing like getting that face-melting hot sauce that taste of nothing pleasant. So there was my challenge a sauce that you can eat with a kick to let you know that it is there.

I have always enjoyed the flavors of Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce. I have hot sauces that range from Franks Red Hot Sauce up to Heatonist's The Last Dab ( ). Side note if you love hot sauce and never tried it, you are missing out. But I always seem to come back to Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce. So that is the baseline for my experiment.

Let us start with the peppers, I went with 16 Habanero peppers. I started by cutting them in slices. I think took the pineapple and diced it up to smaller chunks. I started but placing the pineapple chunks in a pan to start getting marks on them and start to pull the natural sugars out. I then sliced up about a quarter of an onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Then added them to another pan in olive oil and let them cook down. One that was all done I added them all to a blender to blitz down. Slowly adding in the distilled vinegar till 16 oz are added. I took that mixture and filled a mason jar with and left it on the darker part of the kitchen counter for about 3 weeks.

The time finally came to finish it off. During these 3 weeks, well that is a lot of time to eat other sauces and read a lot about what I was trying to do. So when the time came to add to the bottle I just wasn't happy with it. I had a little to much vinegar taste for my liking. So I took at Cup of Sugar placed it in a sauce-pot and added my Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce to the pan and brought it to a boil for about 10 mins. After that, I strained out the pulp and added the Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce back to the pan and brought it back up to a boil. I started to add corn starch a little a time to start to thicken up the sauce. Once I got it to the consistency that I prefer. I took and started to slowly add some of the pulp back in, seeds and all for texture. Then removed it from the heat and added it back to the mason jar, to cool before I bottled it.

I have to say I am extremely happy with my Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce. I took it to work and my friends seem to enjoy it. Even the guys who don't like hot sauce. I think I will be making more of this Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce. Who knows maybe one day I will be able to make enough to sell.


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