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  • Writer's pictureRyan


How long has it been since i really just got down on some cooking? Its been to long. I got in to a really bad habit of eating the same stuff over and over again. So i started to venture out and look for something new to try. I started with a family favorite. But how can we elevate it. How can we take something that is already good and make it better? Well I started with "Paula Deen Hash brown Quiche." its good but we can make it better. So Paula Deen Hash brown Quiche called for frozen store bought hash browns. I prefer some home style hash browns. So that is where i started.

I started with some shredded potatoes added a little flower and an egg mixed it all together added some melted butter and made a crust for this quiche. Added it to the oven at 425 for 20 mins till the crust started to get a night brown crisp to it. Next for Paula Deen Hash brown Quiche I took 3 large eggs, half an onion, a bell pepper, one green onion and mixed them together. Now being from New Mexico no breakfast is complete with out chopped Green Chile. Put in about 4 roasted and peeled green chiles.

Placed the mix in the hash brown crust and backed Paula Deen Hash brown Quiche at 350 for about 25 mins. When the quiche was done I pulled it out and added cheese to the top and added it back in for about 5 mins to make sure it had a nice melt on it. Once the Paula Deen Hash brown Quiche was done and looked nice and melted took it out let it cool for about 5 mins and then served it up. Always a classic wit a bit of change here and there, really just makes it your own.


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