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  • Writer's pictureRyan

Maple Bacon Sweet Potatoes

Maple bacon sweet potatoes. This has become a new staple in my house for the holidays. The other night i was looking to have a steak and i was in need of a side dish. Happened that i had sweet potatoes so i decided to bake some like we used to do at steak and ale. I happened to look and i was out of brown sugar so I improvised with what i had.

Started off with the sweet potatoes in the oven for about an hour at 400F degrees. While that was baking i took out some musrooms and diced them up and put them in the pan to start cooking out some of the water. Also used that time to take out bacon and diced it up. One the mushrooms cooked down i removed them and added the bacon to let it crisp up. Once the bacon got to my liking i drained the oil and added the mushrooms on low. Then started to cover the mix in maple syrup and mixed it around to get an even coat.

As the mushrooms bacon and maple combined I pulled out the sweet potatoes and cut them in half and then removed a majority if the filling. Added that to a mixing bowl and then took half the Maple bacon mushrooms and mixed to combine. Once that was complete I re-added the the mix to the shells and then topped with remaining maple bacon mushroom mix and added cheese. I re-added them to the the oven for about 5 mins till the cheese started to melt then removed to enjoy.


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