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  • Writer's pictureRyan

Death Wish Coffee Cookies

Any one who knows me, knows that my coffee of choice has to be Death Wish Coffee. If you come over and get a cup of coffee you need to be ready for it. From the morning cup, to the cups at work ( which we subscribe ) to camping, and all the way to my road trips to NASCAR it comes with me. My grandma used to make Coffee Cookies so i was able get the receipt for how she makes them.

Now I am no baker, you give me a grill or a smoker an that is my wheel house. So lets get in to this. I started out wrong lets face it. I started with all the dry ingredient in the stand mixer and started to combine them. Then i added the egg and vanilla. After i let it combine i added my cooled coffee grounds. Then poured in chocolate. Now I used the Death Wish Valhalla Coffee. I feel it gives a chocolate after note. So why is the way i did it wrong? Its not that way it was written down... but being a rebel i moved on. So after i had everything combined i just added it to the fridge for about 30 mins. Basically the time it took me to pre-heat the oven and get everything else out.

At this point it was time to roll them out. I used coconut oil to cover the baking sheet and then i went with the spoonful right on the try. Placed these in the oven to bake for about 15 mins. Then I removed them and set them aside to cool. Also ate one right off the tray. Started the next round till all were baked.

Next thing was to make a fresh cup of Death Wish Valhalla sit down and enjoy.

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