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  • Writer's pictureRyan

Air Fryer Pizza Egg Rolls

Updated: Jan 25, 2020

Trying new things has always been a staple in my life. With that comes different left over ingredient. I started to think about what I could do to combine them to not waste good food. Standing in front of my fridge with my fridge door open where I do my best thinking, i had just that. I had made a stir fry and had left over mushrooms. I had mozzarella cheese left over from my home made cheese sticks. I had pepperoni from another pizza that i had made. I started thinking about what i could make with these. Then the bells went off, Pizza egg rolls. I had Sausage for weekend breakfast that i could add. Lets face it i live in New Mexico so i buy 100 pounds of green chile a year, so that will have to be added.

Pretty easy to start out. I diced up the mushrooms and green chile. I then cooked the sausage and drained off the oil. Placed it aside for a little bit. I placed about 15 egg roll wrappers out across my counter in a diamond. Started out with the pepperoni and layered them across each one. then i went with the mushroom and green chile mix. Next come the sausage. Then i took a handful of mozzarella and covered it.

Rolling comes next. Took me a few times to get it just right. Start at the bottom of the diamond roll it up over the cheese. Then pull the sides in and then drip one finger in the water cover the top outside edge of the diamond. Then roll over the top so it is a tight roll. You want it good and tight so the cheese doesn't melt out, trust me the struggle was real.

The next think you want to do is put them in the air fryer at 350 for for about 5 mins. when the timer goes off flip them over and cook again for about 3 mins. this should yield and nice crispy shell.

Next just add your ranch dressing or marinara sauce to dip them in and enjoy.


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